We have some news that we would like to share with you. As the Omicron wave is receding in Ontario, capacity limits are being rescinded and vaccine passports will soon no longer be in use. It is time to resume some of the aspects of our care that we have all been missing for so long. We look forward to spring with optimism and hope that Covid-19 mutates further into less contagious, mild strains. We will continue to adapt as necessary and re-institute safety measures if required but for now we are looking forward to some positive changes. Clients may bring 1 support person with them to visits starting March 1, 2022. Starting April 1st, we will be moving back to all in-person prenatal care. The hospital is no longer doing rapid antigen testing. Support people must pass screening questions to enter (no vaccine required). Clients on the postpartum ward can have a second support person or visitor but only one can be at the bedside at a time. Starting March 1st, we will be welcoming support people back into the office regardless of vaccination status. Clients may bring 1 support person to each appointment or home visit. It is critical that everyone entering our office and participating in home visits be free of symptoms and not attend if they should be self-isolating. Our clinic is an environment with a high risk population so a 10 day isolation period, not 5 days, is indicated. Support people must also be masked. We are unable to welcome children back to the office just yet, so please continue to arrange childcare. Starting April 1st, we will resume all prenatal care in-person. We will continue screening everyone for symptoms, ensuring everyone wears a mask, and keeping traffic in the office to a minimum. We have made arrangements to see clients in the hospital if they need a time-sensitive appointment and they do not pass screening. Otherwise, please contact the office to reschedule if you have symptoms or are in self-isolation. We look forward to a brighter future and to seeing you more of each other in person. Warmly, the staff, midwives, and students of The Hamilton Midwives.
Previous updates still in effect:
One support person at home births.
Clients and their support person will be Rapid Tested for home birth. Clients who screen positive will move into hospital, if a support person is positive, an alternate support person can be brought in to attend. Midwives will administer the tests.
St Joseph's hospital is limiting clients to one support person on the birthing unit.
All clients being admitted to SJH or spending more than 2 hours in triage will have a PCR Covid-19 test.
Support people at SJH are asked to limit their comings and goings from the bedside.
Fontbonne ultrasound and OB clinics at SJH are now permitting clients to attend with one support person.
Supportive care for clients who need to deliver at McMaster is now available contingent on practice human resources.
We continue to recommend Covid-19 vaccination for those without contraindications
August 9, 2021 updates still in effect:
Fontbonne ultrasound and OB clinics are now permitting clients to attend with one support person.
Supportive care for clients who need to deliver at McMaster is now available contingent on practice human resources.
We continue to recommend Covid-19 vaccination for those without contraindications
Care during the Covid-19 pandemic
Here are the steps that we have put in place to keep you safe:
Enhanced cleaning of the office and equipment. We use hospital-grade cleaning supplies.
We offer all pregnancy, postnatal and baby care by phone except for brief in-person assessments for physical exams. Labour and birth care is always in-person.
Clinic appointments consist of 2 scheduled appointments. A phone call early in the week and a physical exam later in the week.
Home visits include a phone call first and then a physical exam for you and the baby.
We have adopted the World Health Organization recommended schedule of prenatal and postnatal visits.
Unless complications develop or there are additional risk factors, prenatal visits will be at: 8-12 weeks, 20 weeks, 26 weeks, 30 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 40 weeks and 41 weeks. You will be seen more frequently if necessary. All other “visits” will be conducted by phone.
In-person postnatal visits when all is well with parent and baby will be on: day 1, day 3, day 7-14 and 6 weeks. Midwives will conduct other “visits” by phone and extra in-person visits will be done if needed.
Limiting the number of people in the office at any given time.
Limiting support people in the office to those that are vaccinated.
Strict infection control practices while in your home.
Active Covid screening before all in-person interactions.
Mask policy.
Mask policy:
Masks are required in the clinic, during home visits, home birth, and at the hospital while a midwife or other care provider is in the room.
A mask will be provided to you.
Clients with a medical mask exemption will be seen at the end of the clinic day when the office is otherwise empty as this is the safest for all parties. Please speak to admin when you book your first appointment and to your midwife if you have a mask exemption.
Partners and Support People: Currently:
Support people will not be able to attend in person clinic or home visits.
The best way for your loved ones to participate in your prenatal and postnatal care is for them to attend your virtual appointments by phone.
One person can support clients at their home birth. Clients and their support person must pass screening including a rapid antigen test to stay home. Everyone must wear a mask.
One vaccinated person can come with you to your clinic appointments. They must pass Covid screening and wear a mask.
Two people that pass Covid screening can support you at your home birth. They must wear masks.
Coming to our clinic:
Please clean your hands as you enter. We have organized appointments to limit the number of people in the office to allow for physical distancing but if you prefer to wait outside the office with a pager, let the receptionist know. Please arrive on time as we need enough time to do your check-up and also to clean the room before the next client. The receptionist or your midwife will ask you about symptoms of Covid-19, recent contacts and your travel history. If you have any symptoms or you are not sure if you should come to the office or be in self-isolation, please page your midwife. If you bring a support person, they should bring their vaccination certificate the first time they come to a visit.
In person assessments are only for the physical exam portion of your care. Please ask all your questions during your phone appointment as we are unable to have discussions at your in-person visit. You can also call the office and leave a message to speak to your midwife or page if something urgent arises between appointments.
Virtual appointments by phone:
Please have your phone on when you are expecting a call from your midwife and be in a quiet, private space where you can speak freely about your health. If you would like, your midwife will be happy to dial-in a support person if they are not with you on speaker phone. Most midwives will phone from a blocked number so please be sure that your phone allows those to ring through. If you miss your midwife’s call please listen to your voicemail and follow their instructions about what to do next, but generally the midwife will continue to try and reach you during your appointment time. After your appointment time has passed, please call the office to reschedule.
Home visits:
Please have your phone on when you are expecting a call or home visit from your midwife. We will not be able to enter your home until we have spoken to you first. Please wipe down all surfaces and high-touch areas like door knobs before the midwife arrives. Please put on a mask and have family members (other than your baby) not be present in the room while you have your visit. If anyone in the household does not pass the screening questions, we are unable to provide care in the home and you will be seen in the clinic or at the hospital. Home birth:
Please have your support person wipe down the surfaces in your birth room before the midwife arrives as well as the light switches, hand rails, and door knobs in the home. Unfortunately if anyone in the household does not pass the screening, we are unable to provide care in the home. The support person must keep their mask on at all times.
We are unable to catch your baby under water while maintaining our infection control processes. Water for comfort in labour is available but you will be asked to get out of the tub during the pushing phase.
Hospital birth: Our clients can use the roof deck entrance off of St Joseph’s Drive under the elevated walk-way. This door will be locked, there is a door bell to the right of the doors. Clients can also enter via the main entrance, the ER, or the Fontbonne entrance during the day. At night, only the ER is open. We recommend being dropped off at the roof deck entrance and having your driver park at Fontbonne visitor parking and walk back.
Clients may bring 1 support person who passes the hospital Covid screening process to support them in labour. This is the only person who can visit for the duration of the stay. The hospital waiting rooms are closed so visitors need to be at the bedside or outside the hospital. Tim Hortons is open 7am-11pm. Support people are asked not to leave the bedside any more than necessary and will need to pass screening each time they enter the hospital and every 24hrs.
Clients are encouraged to have early discharge if they feel comfortable doing so. This not only limits your exposure to others in the hospital but frees up beds and resources for those who need them.
Frequent handwashing – minimum 20 second handwash with soap and water or a 20 second handrub with 70% alcohol hand sanitizer.
Avoid touching your face.
Frequent disinfection of surfaces at home and at work.
Stay home if you have any symptoms or meet the criteria for self-isolating due to an exposure. This includes not coming to our clinic if you are ill or self-isolating for contact. You will be seen by the midwife in an isolation room at the hospital if you visit is not safe to be rescheduled.
Page your midwife for urgent concerns, otherwise phone the office.
If you feel that you or your fetus or baby is unwell, page the midwife. Call 911 if you or your baby have difficulty breathing.
Following the public health guidelines for Hamilton and the community where you live.
Vaccination is safe and effective and recommended for those without a contra-indication.