Kimberlee graduated with a BHSc in Midwifery from the Midwifery Education Program at McMaster in 2017. Prior to completing her degree, she had the opportunity to complete clinical placements in Hamilton and Palmerston, ON and Doesburg, NL. She completed her New Registrant year at The Community Midwives of Hamilton and joined The Hamilton Midwives in 2018.
In addition to her work as a Registered Midwife, Kimberlee continues to work as a Pelvic Teaching Associate at McMaster University. Through this program Kim teaches the skills of pelvic and breast examination to healthcare professionals and students. Kimberlee has a passion for providing individualized and inclusive care, as well as, advocating for clients during their reproductive years. Prior to entering the world of healthcare Kimberlee had a career in the film industry. She has had the opportunity to travel and spend extended periods of time in Europe, New York and Hollywood. During off call time, Kimberlee can be found spending time with her family and friends, travelling and dabbling in photography. |
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The Hamilton Midwives
25 Charlton Avenue East, Unit 600 |