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The midwives and students of THM are pleased to bring you information about midwifery care, pregnancy, birth and postpartum issues as well as goings on in the Hamilton community
The midwives and students of THM are pleased to bring you information about midwifery care, pregnancy, birth and postpartum issues as well as goings on in the Hamilton community
First of all, it’s not actually Midwife versus OB, we are team-mates not adversaries! Although you need to choose which type of provider will manage your care, we work together as a team to deliver the highest level of care to birthing people in our city. Obstetricians are skilled surgeons who specialize in high risk pregnancy. Midwives specialize in caring for healthy people from the beginning of pregnancy through to 6 weeks after the birth including the care of their newborns. The Hamilton Midwives has great relationships with the OB team at St Joe’s so if complications arise, each client gets the type of care they need with no barriers to access. So to highlight the differences between Midwifery and Obstetric care, here are 10 reasons why Midwifery care may be right for you. You want a vaginal birth
You want a known care provider looking after you in labour
You want someone whose only job is looking after YOU in labour
You want longer appointments with more opportunities for questions, individualized care planning and support
You want access to your care provider 24/7
You want to avoid an epidural in labour
You want to breastfeed/chestfeed or give your baby your own milk
You don’t have OHIP
You want efficient care
You are interested in labouring at home before going to the hospital
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June 2022
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The Hamilton Midwives
25 Charlton Avenue East, Unit 600 |